Sat.Jul 22, 2017 - Fri.Jul 28, 2017

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Digital Store Technologies Take the Stage For Both Customer and Associate Experience

Forrester eCommerce

Digital retail theater is becoming reality for consumers as retailers rush to find ways of attracting and retaining store customers. What is digital retail theater? It’s the combination of original retail theater – entertainment, novelty, and engagement – with digital technologies and services to create the next level of in-store experience.

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Dealing With FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) And How To Find Work Life Balance

My Wife Quit Her Job

I have a love hate relationship with Facebook. On one hand, Facebook allows me to keep in touch with and keep track of what my friends are up to. But on the other hand, I often leave Facebook with a healthy dose of jealousy and feelings of inadequacy. For example… One of my Stanford classmates just sold his company for over 500 million dollars.

Travel 198

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Beyond Sales: The Different Types of Conversions, Why They Matter, and How to Get More Of Them


When you think of “a conversion”, what goal comes to mind? For most of us, a sale is the ultimate goal, so it’s no surprise that sales and conversions are inextricably linked to each other. But even though a sale might be the end goal, it’s almost never the first thing a new potential customer does when they visit your site. Yet they’re still converting, even when a sale doesn’t take place.

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The Value Of Perception In The Online Experience

RTP blog

Jake Weatherly, CEO of SheerID Every day, more and more brands are coming to the realization that their web site and e-Commerce experience is an integral part of how they’ll survive and grow in today’s changing retail landscape. However, what many fail to realize is that a poorly designed web site can also be their downfall. According to the Baymard Institute’s 2016 study , 27% of consumers said that they abandoned their shopping cart due to a complicated checkout process, while Adobe found that

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Optimizing Frontend Delivery in Composable Commerce: The Buy vs Build Decision

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How to Start a Clothing Line: Your Complete Guide to Design, Sampling, Production & Packaging

A Better Lemonade Stand

This post will take you through a step-by-step process for developing your own clothing line apparel brand. The post How to Start a Clothing Line: Your Complete Guide to Design, Sampling, Production & Packaging appeared first on A Better Lemonade Stand.

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The welcome series: using email preferences to drive opens and clicks


I recently joined the mailing list of a large Amazon-style “sell everything” online shop. From the get go they did everything right. Within minutes of me signing up I had a “Thank You” emailing waiting for me in my inbox. That email was later followed by a multi-part welcome series flow that gave me all kinds of useful information about the company’s loyalty program, shipping options and times, and how to effectively navigate their site and more.

More Trending

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Is The Future Of Fashion Gender-Free?

RTP blog

By Klaudia Tirico, Features Editor What do Zara, Target, H&M and Toys “R” Us have in common? All four retailers have embraced gender neutrality in one form or another. During the past couple of years, we’ve seen more brands and retailers dabble in genderless or unisex products and apparel, generally to much praise. The times they are a-changing, and it’s extremely important for companies to evolve and cater to a broader audience and a new generation of consumers.

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eCommerce Solutions: 3 Weighty Reasons Why Top Brands are Abandoning the Monoliths in Droves


As companies across all industries pivot to digital, the landscape of full stack / monolithic ecommerce solutions has expanded. However, there’s a now growing trend among top brands to move away from monolithic commerce technologies that combine content presentation capabilities with catalogues, carts and commerce. Gartner predicts that by 2018, more than half of all commerce sites will integrate technologies from more than 15 vendors to deliver a digital customer experience. [1] We see the foll

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Gearing up for the busy period: what to expect from Black Friday 2017

Retail Technology Review

By Sangeetha Narasimhan, Marketing Manager, UK at Ingenico ePayments. In Europe, Black Friday is a big deal. We've witnessed first-hand this American-born phenomenon spread first across the Atlantic and then move online.

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How to score a high grade on your back to school email campaign


Hard to believe, but August is right around the corner. You know what that means — school is almost back in session. So break out the pencils and start planning your back to school email campaign because it’s a big holiday for spending. How big you ask? BIG! In the US, the back to school shopping season is becoming quite the shopping holiday, finishing second in revenue to the winter holidays (black friday and cyber monday).

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Innovation Fest: Summer of AI

Join Bloomreach at Innovation Fest: Summer 2024, a virtual event, to explore the future of personalized marketing and merchandising! Along with the company’s top product experts, CEO Raj De Datta will provide an exclusive look at the company’s latest AI innovations reshaping the omnichannel experience. Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to connect with fellow industry leaders and explore the latest trends in retail technology.

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A Brief History Of The Coupon — And Its Future

RTP blog

By Tasso Argyros, ActionIQ When was the last time you received a coupon in your mailbox? If you’re anything like me, probably sometime in the past week. What about the last time a retailer emailed you a coupon code? You’ve probably received a few of those today, maybe even in the last few minutes. Go on, check your email. I’ll wait. Now, when was the last time you used a coupon?

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[Infographic] Don’t Miss the Back-to-School Sales Bus: The 6 Latest Retail Tips


It’s that time of the year again, back-to-school sales are ramping up, and this back-to-school season consumer spending is the highest forecasted since 2012! So don’t be late, because you don’t want to miss the second biggest spending holiday of the year. Back-to-school shoppers are diverse and have various needs – but don’t worry we can help steer you in the right direction.

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eRetailing, telematics and service aggregation boost evolution of global automotive aftermarket in 2017

Retail Technology Review

The global automotive aftermarket is rapidly evolving. While technological enablers in eRetailing, telematics, and service aggregation will facilitate the evolution of traditional business models and transform the market into a digital and connected ecosystem, multiple opportunities exist in parts and service retailing due to steady growth in worldwide vehicles in operation (VIO).

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Nobody should care how much golf we play

Steve Dennis

Or how many cakes we bake, how much TV we watch, how often we go to the gym or whatever happens to floats our boats or simply pass the time, so long as… …we honor our most important commitments… …our words match out actions… …we take responsibility for our stuff and stay on our side of the street… …we act instead of complain… …we are in the arena, instead of watching and judging from the stands.

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How To Craft Your Perfect Retail Tech Stack

Speaker: Jason Cottrell and Brian Walker

The era of all-in-one platforms is over. Now, retail success depends on integrating a blend of diverse technologies to thrive. As customers and stakeholders expect agility and innovation, how can you meet these expectations efficiently without stumbling into complexity? Explore a customer-centric approach to navigating digital transformation in retail.

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7 eCommerce Trends for Online Growth


Following the rapid developments in technology and the growing capabilities of the Internet, eCommerce is becoming a part of life for both businesses and consumers alike. Here are the top 7 eCommerce trends that should help your business’ online growth in the next 12 months.

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How to Scale the Competitive Promotional Monitoring Process


Take a guess: what occasion is being advertised by the following promotions from various sources? “Free Shipping. No membership, just smiles.” “40%-50% off Prime Exclusive Men’s, Women’s, and Kid’s Clothing.” “Daily home deals online all week long.” If you said Amazon’s successful, self-generated shopping spree known as Prime Day, a mid-summer campaign now in its third year, you’re right.

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Retailers under pressure to revamp their shopping experience as online sales continue to rise

Retail Technology Review

The latest ONS retail sales figures show that the volume of online spending increased year-on-year by 15.9% and by 1.8% compared to last month.

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The Commerce Marketer Podcast: Site Search, Consumer Experience and the Future of Commerce 2.0


Something Digital’s Phillip Jackson discusses how site search is changing and what the future looks like for commerce marketers. The post The Commerce Marketer Podcast: Site Search, Consumer Experience and the Future of Commerce 2.0 appeared first on Bronto Blog.

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Secrets of a Successful Sale: Optimizing Your Checkout Process

Speaker: David Nisbet, Everett Zufelt, and Michaela Weber

Once upon a time, in the vast realm of online commerce, there lived a humble checkout button overlooked by many. Yet, within its humble click lay the power to transform a mere visitor into a loyal customer. 🧐 💡 Getting checkout right can mark the difference between a successful sale and an abandoned cart, yet many businesses fail to make payments a part of their commerce strategy even when it has a direct impact on revenue.

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Leveling up: The Ecommerce Email Marketing Maturity Model


One of the questions our support and account management team get all the time is: “What the heck is everyone else doing?”. It’s clear that ecommerce marketers are constantly thinking about new ways they can grow their businesses and keep up with their peers. So we decided that it was high time for us to create a guide to help ecommerce marketers and shop owners discover how they stack up.

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No One Cares About the Next Order

Rishi Rawat

On your PPC landing pages never show a popup that promises a saving on the second purchase: Shoppers clicking paid search ads (excluding branded ads) have multiple tabs open and are reviewing multiple offers at the same time. They’re in “speed dating” mode. An offer that applies to their next purchase is a total waste. In fact, I’d argue, it hurts conversions because you’re reminding the customer that there is nothing special for them for this first purchase.

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DB Schenker reduces onboarding time for eCommerce customers with Magic Software’s Integration Platform

Retail Technology Review

Magic Software Enterprises Ltd. has announced that DB Schenker, the global logistics provider, has implemented the Magic xpi Integration Platform as the backbone of its integrated sales and logistics solution.

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With Kenmore Deal Amazon Is A Winner. For Sears, Not So Much.

Steve Dennis

Investors reacted quite favorably to the news that Kenmore appliances will soon be sold through Amazon. For Amazon, it’s clearly an interesting opportunity. While online sales of major appliances are currently comparatively small, being able to offer a leading brand on a semi-exclusive basis gives Amazon a jump start in a large category where they have virtually no presence.

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Composable Commerce Reference Architecture 2024 Edition

Achieve more with your commerce with the help of Orium’s Composable Commerce Reference Architecture 2024 Edition. Presented in partnership with commercetools, Contentstack, and Google Cloud, this edition is packed with new insights and practical examples to help you navigate changes in digital commerce and construct an adaptable tech stack optimized for efficiency and scalability.

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Generating and Utilizing Customer Feedback

Teamwork Retail

In our previous blog, we talked extensively about the importance of customer service and a bit about how customer feedback – especially negative feedback – can help to improve your business’ service, and, therefore, profits. How to Generate and Use Quality Feedback. There is a gold mine of data out there, all of it relevant to your business somehow, if only you could capture it.

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Our Picks for the Best eBay Listing Templates


Aesthetics is one important aspect you need to explore to have a successful eBay store. Check out our list of the best eBay listing templates to try today. Read more. The post Our Picks for the Best eBay Listing Templates appeared first on ecomdash.

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UX Principles for Higher-Converting Email and Landing Pages


Check out these tips from BVAccel's Kenny Rosenberg to help you bring in more conversions and delight your customers along the way. The post UX Principles for Higher-Converting Email and Landing Pages appeared first on Bronto Blog.

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7 eCommerce Trends for B2B Online Growth


In the first part of our discussion on the eCommerce trends for online growth, we shared the 7 key trends and how they will affect the retail industry in general. In this second part, we will take a look on how these trends will affect B2B businesses, what to expect in the coming years, and how these trends can be beneficial to you.

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The Future of Multi-Vendor Commerce

In this on-demand webinar, discover how Logicbroker’s cutting-edge technology enhances the overall experience for both current and future customers and gain insights into how leveraging our seamless integration process unlocks new dimensions of efficiency and functionality. Plus, learn how our advanced marketplace features are set to revolutionize the way businesses operate, offering opportunities for growth and success within your multi-vendor commerce program.

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Facebook Q2 Earnings: 2 Billion and Counting


In the early days of McDonald’s, its signs indicated how many burgers it had sold at its restaurants. Eventually, the signs became too hard to keep up with and the phrase was shortened to “Billions and Billions Served” (and eventually dropped altogether). If Facebook had a similar sign, they could now proudly flip from “more than a billion” to “more than 2 billion” as the company announced earlier this week that they have more than two billion active users.

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How to avoid ecommerce pitfalls in the beauty industry


The beauty industry is a difficult place to be right now. While ecommerce sales grew 15.6% in 2016 - more than five times the growth of overall retail sales - beauty brands face specific challenges when transferring to digital. Ecommerce growth potential for those who sell cosmetics is countered by the dangers inherent in putting those products on the digital shelf.

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Amazon Prime Day a Huge Success for Sellers

ROI Revolution

There was one big question on everyone’s mind before Amazon Prime Day. How does Amazon keep growing what has already become one of the biggest sales days of the year? Amazon answered that question with bravado by extending deals to 30+ hours, offering even more incentives, selling in more markets, and blowing last year’s statistics out of the water.

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When viral marketing goes right


When your eCommerce business’s marketing campaign goes viral, you can usually expect that a significant increase in order volumes will follow. And while you can’t always predict which campaigns or specific posts will explode in popularity, you should always be prepared for the moment one does, especially if you’re about to roll out a new digital marketing campaign.

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The B2B Digital Commerce Playbook for Manufacturers

In this comprehensive guide, we delve into four essential ecommerce strategies for manufacturers. Each strategy is backed by a clear vision to ensure your efforts are aligned. Whether you’re a seasoned industry player or a budding digitalization champion, these strategies offer actionable insights to drive success. What will you find in the guide: Overview of how current events and external pressures impact business priorities.